Good morning, everyone. I hope you’re fans of Magin Label because the next news is about them. They have already released Mechaneer Resta’s Grand Adventure preview images, and you can check them out here:

This new hentai will be filled with tentacle sex scenes, so if you’re a fan of this genre, you’re going to enjoy it.
As many of you may already know, this new hentai is set to be released on October 25. But that’s not all a1c has also confirmed two new OVAs under their Nur label. We haven’t discussed these releases before because one of them still doesn’t have an official synopsis, but stay tuned! As soon as more details are revealed, we’ll dive into both releases in depth.

A certain incident occurs in a city where robots go crazy and turn into sex robots that rape women. Resta, a mechanic, sets out to solve the problem, but is confronted with slimy tentacles and vibrators that lead her into sexual situations. Despite this, she strives to fight bravely against the hentai robots.
©2024 Resta!/魔人
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